Monday, September 01, 2008
RIP Blogger - 08/31/08
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Gone Green!!!
The house flooded - see prior posts. We've finally got our house back in order - new carpet, new wood floors, new paint, and I'm almost done putting everything back where it goes. The joys of packing up like your moving - but not moving is fun - NOT!!!
The summer has been so hot - so I'm thankful that clients have understood and allowed me to schedule their sessions in September and October. Let me tell ya - I'm ready to get past this heat!
As the title says - I've GONE GREEN! Since I had some downtime this summer, I've evalutated my time commitments - to my family - to my full-time job - and to my photography clients. I need a balanced life and have decided to scrap my other portrait collections and introduce a digital collection - The Edwards Collection. I'm so excited.
The Edwards Collection is completely digital and includes a media disc of high-resolution digital images (both color & black and white) from the portrait session with authorization for unlimited personal use. Low-resolution images, which are perfect for web and email), are also included. Of course, I'm well known for my signature linen finish on all portraits - don't worry people - The Edwards Collection offers a 25% discount on ala carte prints and other products. Of course, you know me, I'll throw in a few suprises here and there!
I've been hard at work designing new holiday cards too - as well as new albums for family sessions, senior sessions, and weddings too! Keep checking in - I'm ramping up for another 30 day blog challenge soon!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Why So Serious?
Anyway - my son and his friend came just a short while ago to pick something up and would be on their way. I could hear my daughter laughing hysterically and naturally, I had to investigate. I guess you will be able to tell by the snapshots that my son and his friend are VERY eager to go to the midnight showing tonight!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I called my friend Erika Herman because she owns Cornerstone ChemDry - she sent over a crew to help me with the water extraction - she saved the day!!!
The ceiling in my kitchen area
Daniel used our large trash cans to capture the water rushing from the vents. They were about 3/4 full when I got home.
The hall way upstairs - just outside the bathroom that started the flood.
Another hall way angle.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Want to buy my boat?

Friday, May 30, 2008
Beautiful Bre!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thanks for all the supportative emails! It's very rare for my site to go down, so I knew something major had to have happened.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email or call me at 214-538-8033.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008

(photo courtesy of LA Murray, Timeless Exposures, 2008)
Here's a poem that my daughter gave me today .....
Now that I am 9 years old
I think it's time that you were told
Exactly what you mean to me
In a you can see
I know you think I just don't care
or maybe that I'm not aware...
of all the things you do for me
I really do ... now let me see
You drive me here ... you drive me there
You clean my dirty underwear!
You cheer me up when I've had a bad day
You always seem to know just what to say
You make my bed when I forget
You give me hugs when I'm upset
I love you Mom, on you I depend
You're not only my mother ... you're my friend
So on that day that I'm driving you crazy
Because I'm being a "smarty" or just lazy
Go to the place where you'll keep this letter
Read it again ... it will make you feel better
I just LOVE my kids!!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
She's Got Her "G"!!!
Anyway - about the couple. They met at Stephen F. Austin and now live in Houston, Texas. Some fun facts about the couple.....
- John tore his ACL over Christmas was touch and go if he'd be able to walk at the wedding!
- Judy, the mom, created & planned Kim's wedding since she was back in Houston taking care of John!
- Mark, on of Kim's dads, had surgery about a month before the wedding, and had more surgery scheduled a week or so later!
- I sprained my ankle the Tuesday before the wedding & didn't tell anyone - I was too afraid to freak out Judy! I had to deliver some adorable 3x3 mini-albums for the guests & walked in pain so she wouldn't notice.
- My 2nd Shooter, Rich, is an amature storm chaser - he had the weather radar on in the back room - if he saw movement - he would have been "otta there"
The weather was fantastic (sorry Richie) - since it was outdoors everyone feared rain - we felt minor sprinkles and then everything just fell into place.
The first 3 pictures you see are so very special - they are actual captures of when John and Kim saw each other for the first time - makes me cry just to see Kim's expression!
Such a BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL Bride!!! I wish I had a camera on Luke (the dad) just so I could see his face in this image - I bet there were tears!

Yes, John, I think this was my absolute favorite picture of you of the night! You've married into one spirited - fun-loving family!!! Debbie (the bride's other mom) gave me the heads up this would happen - so I was ready! I can't wait to hear what you do to get them back!

....and they lived happily ever after
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Meet Jessica
Congratulations Jessica - one of my 2008 Seniors!