Yesterday, my family and I spent the day at the State Fair of Texas. O-M-G - there were so many people there. We got there early in the morning - ok - around noon, and first thing was first - we had to have the famous Corny Dog. YUMMY!!! We sat just outside the Cotton Bowl and enjoyed our manditory treat. Of course, we spent most of the day (and money) on food. Funnel cakes, cotton candy, turkey legs, ice cream, etc. We filled up on junk food.
We didn't ride any rides out there or play any of the games on the Midway - it just isn't out thing. I don't trust the rides OR the carney's out there. I'm sure they're regulated and what not - but it's better to go with your instinct - and our instincts tell us not to throw our money away, Never the less - we do enjoy walking through the Midway. After yesterday, I don't think I want to anymore. O-M-G - there were so many people, strollers, and those carts - they added to the traffic and kept rolling over my feet! Note to self - don't wear cute flip flops to the fair.
I took my little "point and shoot" camera with me so that I could scrap about our day of fun later - and of course - blog for those to see.