Thursday, August 17, 2006

I've received so many e-mails about Omega. I just thought I'd drop a note and let you know that she had a baby girl tonight. Everyone is doing well, and I hope to get some pictures of Kiriston (not sure of the spelling) this weekend.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What's up?

Do You Bling?
I'm happy to announce that I have worked out everything with my jewelry vendor and I'm so pleased! I'm back to selling it full-force! I will be relisting it on my site.

Price Increase?
No - I changed my mind. I'm going to push any increases back to 2007. However, I've decided to do away with frames....for now. I've been using a framer from the internet, & I'd really like to use someone locally instead. So, I'm scanning the metroplex for some good-quality framers.

New Website?
Yes, but not yet. It's coming - I promise. I've just been neglecting updating images/rotating images/etc. I'm looking into new designs and new music too. One of these'll see!

Portrait Parties?
I'm scaling the parties back to certain parts of the year. I'd really like to incorporate the parties with my Mother's Day Madness and Holiday Hop Photo Op events. These events are huge! I'm going to have a HHPO in October, and need a hostess - interested? The event will be outdoors & a location decided on soon. I'm scouting a few locations.

{ShelleyStyle} Gallery?
They are already designed, named, and now I need to plug in the images. Don't be suprised if I use your portrait session for a gallery collection!!!

Fall Sessions?
Yes - call now. I have a few openings in September.

Meet Omega

Isn't she simply gorgeous? Omega and I had alot of fun, and she let me try new poses and lighting techniques. It was fun to just play, and it's easy to lose track of time when your client is having fun too.

Omega was right at 8 months pregnant for our session.