Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Website Count Down!

It's coming. I know I keep saying it, but this time - ITS FOR REAL!!! I let the webite designers know that I'm ready to go live, so now the ball is in their court.

I want to take this moment and let the world know that MY CLIENTS ROCKS!!! I asked some recent clients to send me a short testimonal so that I can include it on my website, and what they wrote was so wonderful and had me in tears. IN TEARS I TELL YOU!!!

It was so touching to read such nice things. Thank you all - from the bottom of my heart.

Meet Cameron

Meet Cameron. This handsome young man worked really hard and graduated early! WTG Cameron. He's a talented musian - on a break right now - with plans to go to NTSU. He's pretty tall, and has really pretty hair. I'm sure the girls just go wild.

Meet Jason

Meet Jason. This cutie worked very hard since he was a Freshman and graduated early! Congrats Jason - I'm sure your family is very proud. Jason isn't sure where he's going to school yet - probably will take some classes at the local college - to get the basics out of the way. Sounds like a really good plan to me!

Meet Josh

Meet Josh - his hobbies include hunting. He's graduating in May, 07, and join his father's business. He mother tells me he's talented in CAD design. He's a cute cowboy!!

Holiday Hop Photo Op FLOP

Ok - I've been super duper busy this holiday season. First, I had my 3rd Annual Holiday Hop Photo Op, but it turned into a FLOP! I only had 3 families sign up; however, you know me - I won't leave anyone hanging. So, I met with those families that signed up. We had tons of fun!!! It's probably my last year to do them, but they sure are fun. Never say never, right?

Here's a few image samples.