Friday, August 31, 2007

Taz Got Me!

I have an amazing photographer friend (very young too) up in Mass - right outside Boston. Well apparentely, she's been playing a game of TAG with a few other photographers, and now I'm it! Funny - now I have to tell 8 things that most people don't know about me, and then tag 8 more photographers.

This is hard - I have to think of 8 things about myself now.......

1) I cannot stand to have ANYTHING under my bed.
2) I once did a back-flip off my mother's coffee table.....and spent the rest of the evening in the ER when I cracked my head open. I can still feel the scar under my scalp & sometimes get headaches there.
3) I know how to salom ski - my husband wouldn't let me get back in the boat until I got up.
4) I love to fish - but I HATE to take the fish off the hook. So, I act scared so my husband will take it off for me.
5) I've called my dad "Poops" since I was a little girl.
6) One of my favorite memories is shagging golf balls for my grandfather - he was hard of hearing. So, when we went places - I would always yell at him so he could hear me. Don't you know that stores/restaurants hated me.
7) I'm extremely organized - everything has a place and there is a place for everything.
8) I love to go shopping. I can spend hours in the mall and not buy a single thing.

So, these gals are now it!

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