Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Today was my Mopey day

So today I decided that it would be my mopey day. I figured after 7 years with one company, I deserved one day to be sad about leaving it. I didn't do much - proofed a few sessions - and took a nap. On top of everything that's been going on this week - I'm sick. I may need to go to the Dr - not sure what's wrong - nagging cough and no voice. It's probably allergies.

Today I also participated in a Fantacy Football Draft. I've never played before so this will be exciting. I forgot that the draft started at 7pm - and by the time I remembered - the computer picked for me. I think I got some good players.

I wanted to give a shout out to all my friends at BP - thanks for all your emails and IMs - they've all meant so much - I'll miss you all.

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