Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's Almost Here!!!!

For those of you that don't know - I'm a native Texan. Not only that - I was born and raised in Dallas. So natually, and it should be quite obvious, I'm a Dallas Cowboy Fan. Yes, it was manitory in our house & watching the game was very serious and intense. In fact, my father was once so mad at a call - he broke the television set.

My dad has had season tickets to Cowboy Stadium since they built it (Yes, for those of you not native to Dallas - that is what we call it - COWBOY STADIUM). Every year, my brothers and I put in our dibs for the tickets we want. I get such joy taking friends to the games with me - the seats are awesome and the people that sit around dad are very sweet.

Up until this year, I had never (yes, you read that right) never been to a tailgate party. OH MY GOODNESS - I had NO idea what I had been missing! I think the tailgate party was more fun than the game!!! The food awesome and everyone just mingled into other TGPs - LOVED IT!!!!!!

Here are some pix of the 2006 New Year's Eve game. Let's just say I had too much fun at the game and was late to my own New Year's Eve party (yes, you read that right). I believe I showed up to my OWN party around 11:53PM.

Me and my friend Loretta

Friends - Loretta and Kevin (he's from LA - he said he moved here because of the Cowboys - that makes him "good people"

Loretta & Ricky

Banners gone wild!

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