Monday, September 10, 2007

What to bring to your session!

Ok - yesterday I posted clothing tips, now let's talk about props. Those that know me, know I don't supply them. Instead, I encourage my clients to bring their own. Ok, so what do you bring? It's important to bring anything that means something to you or your children.

For babies - favorite blankets, stuffed animals, keepsake items: girls - bracelets, rings, necklaces; boys - manly things like footballs, toy trucks, etc. Some of my favorite images are of babies wearing "grown up" items - mommy's pearls, mommy's hat, daddy's hat, etc. If mommy or daddy is a fireman/cop/sports - anyone that wears a uniform - babies look absolutely ADORABLE wearing their parent's uniforms. Seriously!!! At one session, I brought along finger paints for this little cutie to paint her mommy's belly. SWEET!

For teens/seniors - bring sports equipment, band equipment, skate board, skiis, roller blades, dancing unififorms, etc. It's fun and it is a fun part of their life. Think about it - how many hours do you spend shuffling the kids to dance lessons, baseball practice, gymnastics, etc?

For families - I don't really care for family props, but sometimes they work out - such as a picnic blanket or the family pet!

Ok - that's actually a picture of a wedding I did last year - oops - I couldn't find another image where families used props - but I think you get the idea.

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